Sometimes, I wonder how you even made it through my door (after all that you’ve been through).
Sometimes, I marvel at how you carry all you do.
Sometimes, seeing you smile as we say hello makes me want to cry.
Sometimes, I wonder how a smile can hide a thousand truths.
Sometimes, your bravery stuns me.
Sometimes, I’m speechless.
Sometimes, I think about how we laugh together in the face of such adversity.
Sometimes, I’m reminded of how laughter heals and brings us closer.
Sometimes, I’m devastated for little you.
Sometimes, I’m devastated for the you you are right now.
Sometimes I’m so inspired by you, I could take on the world.
Sometimes, I sit in awe after you’ve left.
Sometimes, I wonder if I’ve said too much.
Sometimes, I wonder if I’ve said too little.
Sometimes, I wonder if I’m meeting your needs.
Sometimes, I wonder who on earth I think I am, that I could meet anyone’s needs.
Sometimes, I remember that I’m human.
Sometimes, I remember that you are too.
Sometimes, I’m reminded that where I am and where you are is exactly where we’re both supposed to be.
Sometimes, deeper than anything I’ve ever known, is what a privilege it is to be with you.